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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 8865 Reduction

Instructions and Help about Fill Form 8865 Reduction

Laws.com legal forms guide form TX is submitted to the United States Copyright Office to register any non-dramatic written work, except for magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals. Works such as novels, nonfiction books, magazine catalogs, and so on can all register through this form. You can obtain a form TX from the website of the United States Copyright Office. Step 1: In Section 1, enter the name of the work, as well as any alternate titles if it was previously published as part of a collective volume or as part of a periodical or serial volume. Provide information about the original publishing source, including the name. Step 2: Section 2 is for authors to provide information about themselves. You may register the work anonymously or under a pseudonym. While checking the appropriate , you must indicate the author's citizenship and place of residence. If the work is a work for hire, meaning it was made for someone else, you should have this noted in your contract before you begin writing. If more than three authors are being registered, obtain a continuation sheet to record their information with this application. Include a brief explanation of each author's contribution. Step 3: In Section 3, list the year the work was completed. If the work was previously published in any form, note when and where. Step 4: In Section 4, list the address of the person claiming copyright if different from the author. Explain how you obtained copyright. Step 5: In Section 5, note whether you have previously registered this work. You may register again if publishing a registered but previously unpublished work, are submitting a claim for copyright as the author for the first time, or have made changes. Check the next to the correct statement and provide the original registration number and the year it was...