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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 8865 Mentor

Instructions and Help about Form 8865 Mentor

How to find a mentor? Now you might be wondering why you're in the car with me. I'll address that at the end of this video. For now, that's one of the most common questions I get from people: "How do you find a mentor?" Well, let me take you back in the ending to the beginning. Because when I was getting started, I was trying all kinds of ideas and all kinds of businesses. I had all these crazy thoughts and ideas and wanted to do different things and wanted to be successful. I started an affair and thirteen businesses before having my first success. Now, during that period of time, like most people, I was reading books. I read "Think and Grow Rich" from front to back like ten times. I read "How to Win Friends and Influence People". I read so many of these personal development books and success books. I was attending events and going to seminars. And all those things helped to a certain degree. But I would say that I'm way on today because of my mentors. Now, over the years, I've had two mentors who I consider to be the two people that are my mentors in my whole life. Now, although I've learned from different people, of course, throughout my career, but the only two mentors that I have now. The first mentor that I have, his name is Alan Jacks and I met Alan when I was in my early 20s. It's kind of interesting at the time, Alan, before he retired, he used to run one of the most successful financial education companies in Canada. And at that time, they were doing a lot of direct mail. And because I was attending all these workshops, I would get these direct mail pieces....